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Pupil Premium

Introduction and aims for pupil premium students


Pupil Premium students are defined as those who have been on free school meals at any time in the past 6 years, those who have a parent who is part of the Armed Forces or those designated as Children in our Care (CIOC).


The Academy is committed to ensuring that all children, irrespective of background, achieve their full potential socially and academically.


We aim for our Pupil Premium students to consistently achieve academic outcomes well above the national average when compared to the national proxy for Pupil Premium students.


We aim for all of our students to achieve well and for there to be no gap within the Academy in academic outcomes between the achievements of Pupil Premium students and non-Pupil Premium students.


We aim for pupil premium students to thrive socially and to be able to access the full entitlement of additional opportunities offered by the academy.


We have researched the barriers to educational success within our community, all of which are prominent barriers for the majority of Pupil Premium students. Pupil Premium funding is used to support any activity that will directly address these barriers. Our philosophy and ethos, underpinning our holistic approach, guides all of our work with our students.


Priorities for 2021-22 – please note this will be updated in-year

To address the barriers to learning that our Pupil Premium Students face including:

  • Attendance / Punctuality

  • Standards of literacy and numeracy which are below expected.

  • Reading age which is below chronological age

  • Gaps in knowledge as a result of school closure

To eradicate the KS4 gap between PP students and the rest of the cohort.

To ensure that PP students at KS3 make progress in line with their peers.

To ensure appropriate provision and resources for Looked after Children.

To ensure that PP students receive appropriate provision for their emotional well-being and mental health.


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