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Primary Transition

We still find ourselves in uncertain times and I am sure you will agree that the key to success now is communication. Whilst we still cannot say for certain what September will look like, we can assure you that we are planning for different outcomes dependent on any Government announcement.


With this in mind, we would like to outline our plans for virtual transition days which will go live on 7th July on the following link: Virtual Transition

This page will, as closely as possible, replicate all the activities that they would have participated in were we able to have them in the building. This will include:

  • A welcome from the Head of School and all the form tutors.

  • An assembly for the students including all the information they need to know about DACA.

  • A student-led video which shows Year 6 what a typical day is like at DACA.

  • A student-led question and answer video where our Year 7s are answering some of the most common student questions.

  • Taster lessons from each faculty area

  • Letters from Year 7 to Year 6.

Use this to have a look at the layout of our school. It will help you with finding your way around.

We hope that your child finds these activities useful and enjoyable and that it gives them a flavour of what life in DACA will be like. You will have received a personalised exercise book in which students can complete any work from the taster lessons and then over their first week in September, your child will take their book to all their lessons to show their new teachers what they have done. There will be reward points and praise postcards available for the best ones and those who have put in the best effort. If you are unsure about any of the activities or need any further guidance then please just ask.


We are aware that some primary schools may have students working through some of these activities on what would have been their transition days, however we are aware that this won’t be the case across all settings and for this reason, we will ensure that the content is available until they start in September so that they have time to access everything they want to.

As part of the website there will also be a virtual parents’ information evening which will go live on 7th July 2020 at 5pm. The evening will be an opportunity to meet some key staff who will be important figures as your child transitions to the Academy. You will also receive some practical information about the Academy including school lunches and payment in the initial weeks and some plans for September. The meeting will also be available afterwards for anyone who is unable to attend.

We have allocated form tutors to the different groups ready for September. All of these staff are highly experienced and are well versed in the transition process, which will give your child the best possible start to the Academy and ensure they settle in quickly. We are delighted to be able to let you know who these now are as well as providing their email address should you need to contact them. They will shortly get in contact with you via email to introduce themselves.

7IWE - Mr Wilkie –  

7JTL – Mr Tattersall –  

7THG – Mr Holding –

7JSS – Miss Saunders –  

7LMN – Mrs Martin –

7LMS – Mrs Morris –  

7ACI - Mrs Capaldi –  

7ATY – Miss Tarney –

The final thing we have done is that over the past month, our Directors of Learning have been preparing a ‘Summer Work Pack’ which you will have received with your letter and includes work from each subject area to prepare your child for Year 7 and give them an additional taste of the different subjects they will study. I have also included some advice for students alongside some wellbeing and transition activities (there’s even one for you as parents!) Please do not feel pressured that your child has to complete all of this; we know it has been a difficult year and the children need a break so just encourage them to do as much as they are able. Again this can be completed in the enclosed exercise book and as per the transition activities, students will receive praise points for this in September.


You should also by now have received an email from us regarding completing student information and consent forms via the google forms platform. It is essential that this information is completed so that we can ensure we have up to date information for each child, including any medical conditions and are able to contact you should we need to. The deadline for this is 16th July but if you can complete it before that date, we would really appreciate it. Again, if you have not received this or are having any difficulties with completing it, please let Mrs Lewis know so that we can sort it out as soon as possible.

We know that shortly you will be buying equipment for your child ready for September. If you would like to purchase this through school, then you are able to do this. We have a pencil case which includes 2 black pens, 2 pencils, a ruler, a protractor, a pair of compasses and a rubber which can be purchased for £1.50 and we also have a Casio FX-83 GT X Scientific calculator available in black, blue or pink which cost £9. If you would like to order either of these things, please email with your order. Your child will then be given this in September and the cost will be added to parent pay once you are set up.

Finally, we can now confirm that your child’s first day with us will be 3rd September and they will start at 8.45am. Students should come through the student entrance on Redearth Road (opposite Sainsbury’s car park) and they will line up in their tutor group. On this day, we will only have year 7 in the academy so that we can dedicate our time to them and replicate what would have happened on July transition days. Students will spend all morning getting to know their tutor, new students in their tutor group and receiving important information like their timetable.


You will receive parent pay log in details over Summer and if you wish for your child to have a school lunch, please ensure you have credited their account in advance (unless they are on free school meals). They can, of course, bring a packed lunch. I will confirm all plans via email over the Summer holidays.

If you have any questions or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact at any time. As a reminder, lots of the information you need is in the parent handbook which can be found via:

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