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DACA Launches Pop Up Art Exhibition

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy Year 13 Art and Design students have been praised for a stunning collection of work at DACA’s fi­rst ever Graphic Design pop up exhibition.

Students were asked to design a book cover, merchandise, wallpaper and an advertising campaign for a Wordsworth Children’s Classic. Wordsworth Editions publishes a range of Classic paperbacks for just £1 each, selling in the UK and overseas.

The students researched their favourite childhood books and illustrators before developing a range ideas using different graphical techniques and processes which were presented to experts from the design industry. Graham and Brown printed wallpaper samples for display at the exhibition for parents and fellow students.

DACA Principal Lisa Dolan said: “The pop up exhibition showcased some amazing work from year 13 students which was of degree standard. I have never seen work of such a high standard of work at sixth-form level. We should feel really proud of our students and staff.”

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