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Record results & 3 DACA students on the road to Oxford University

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy is celebrating the success of its students in producing record breaking results including 3 students who have secured places at Oxford University.

Paige Williams, who gained A*A A and will be studying biomedical science said: ‘I am really excited and pleased. I thought it was not possible but the encouragement from the school, my teachers and believing in myself has made it possible. I am passionate about biomedical science and a residential organised through the Academy’s scholars’ programme helped me make up my mind.’

Brittany Cooper, who also achieved A* and two As and will be studying medicine said: ‘I am really happy. I have wanted to go to Oxford since I was four years old and I have wanted to study medicine since year 10. I have got there through determination and the personal support and encouragement from the Academy. I am really excited about becoming a doctor, helping people and I will only want to work for the NHS.’

The success of these students are equalled by those of Jade Ronaghan-Bird who achieved A*A*A and will be attending Bristol University, and twin sisters Chloe and Rebecca Frankland who will both be going to Manchester University having achieved A*s and As in their A levels. Tobryn Prior achieved A*BBB and has secured a place to study dentistry at Dundee University.

In a record breaking year for Darwen Aldridge Community Academy the average grade for all students rose to a grade B at A level. 57% of grades achieved were A*-B or equivalent, well above national figures, and every student passed every subject. The vast majority of students who applied to go to university have already secured places.

Lisa Dolan, Principal, said ‘I am delighted on behalf of our students who have achieved outstanding results in a very competitive environment and gained access to such prestigious universities. Paige and Brittany will be the first in their family to attend university. All of our students are supported and guided throughout their studies, we provide specialist tutors and we work very closely with universities and scholars’ programmes to support our students’ aspirations.

Ms Dolan continued, ‘I am proud of all of our students. They work so hard to achieve and their success has been made possible by their own determination and the incredible hard work and commitment of our specialist teaching and support staff. The sixth form is at the heart of our Academy; we are committed to enabling all students to realise their potential, exceed beyond their expectations and to support and care for them during their time with us. These results cement our reputation as one of the best sixth forms in the North West.

We are looking forward to welcoming new students this autumn.

For further information, please call 01254 819500 or

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