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Leading the team: Introducing DACA’s Head Boy & Head Girl

In the summer of 2019 elections were held to find a new Head boy and Head Girl. From the many candidates who put themselves forward and who

made excellent campaign videos aimed at persuading students and staff why they should vote for them, two winners emerged… Head Boy - Christo Hargreaves Head Girl - Harriet Burrow Christo and Harriet have already been representing DACA as part of their duties. They both spoke to prospective parents and carers at the Year 6 Open evening in September, speaking eloquently about their journey at DACA so far and what had led them to succeed. Christo and Harriet are supported by a Deputy Head boy and Girl, Conor Jameson and Saffron Daley-Narramore. We look forward to working with all four of our Senior Lead Students throughout the year. They have a major role to play in the annual awards evening which is fast approaching. There is also a strong team of lead students, 76 in total. Lead students are Year 11 students who had to apply for the role, were interviewed and carry out duties to support DACA each day, including showing parents and carers around at Open Evening, signing parents in and out at annual parents evenings and supporting staff with lunchtime duties. Some lead students are running lunchtime clubs for students in younger year groups.

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